n JA
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Jaabir Adeniji-Bello

🚀 Welcome to my website!

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👨🏿‍💻I like making stuff and putting it on the internet


I am a full-stack web-developer and a full-time student who is currently focused on improving my web development skills by learning consistently and applying new knowledge. I hope to obtain a wide variety of experiences by getting into the web development industry to contribute to organisations and gain industrial experience. I have a strong background in django, python and javascript which allows the development of production ready web applications that cater to customer’s needs. I also have a strong background in using tools such as react, bootstrap, tailwind to develop my applications’ frontend quickly.


👩🏽‍🚀 Projects



A forum like app where users can register, create rooms and send messages on their favourite topics

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React js, Tailwind CSS, Openweather API

A weather app that retrieves data for about 200,000 cities and locations from the Openweather API

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Zaggi online market place


A mockup online market place for Zaggi- A Nigeria based fashion brand.

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A contact storage app to store user conntacts, emergency contacts and their favourite contacts.

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Languages, Frameworks and Technologies I use in my Projects

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Kotlin
  • Django
  • Jquery
  • Bootstrap

  • Three Js

  • Anime Js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • React JS
  • Astro
  • Scss
  • NodeJs
  • Bun
  • Express
  • MongoDB

👷🏾‍♂️ Work History


Reach Out To Me

Gmail: Jabello0307@gmail.com




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